60 years of improving lives locally

It has been an exciting spring as we move into our 60thcommunity campaign. We’ve seen board members of many years move on, and new community champions join the ranks of Improving Lives Locally. At Day of Caring, more than 130 partners came together to help charities in our area to improve conditions for their members and staff. Our workplace ambassador event was held, with keynote speaker Mary Doyle from Rural on Purpose, inspiring us towards our 60th community campaign.
Belleville Sens care!
We were pleased to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Belleville General Hospital Foundation, The Children’s Foundation, The Hastings & Prince Edward Learning Foundation and Trenton Memorial Hospital Foundation in being chosen as charities of choice in the first season of the Belleville Senators 50/50 draws, and receive a gift of $25,000 for our efforts.
the reality of poverty
In a highly competitive market, many excellent charities and foundations are vying for the same “piece of the pie” as we work to improve conditions for those who are vulnerable members of our community. Many still consider this life of poverty a choice… We hear: “why can’t these people work?” People ponder addictions, as addiction is seen to be another choice of lifestyle – right? And people ask – “why do people choose to have families if they are unable to care for them“. Simple – right?
Some people think Canada is a country where no one should be left behind. Consider the conditions people in developing nations face. It’s relative and complex, and as varied as the struggles human beings have been up against for centuries. Here at home, we are not immune to the risk of vulnerability. Any Canadian can face fragile health, depression, abuse, bullying, loose ones job.
At United Way locations across Canada we work to ensure “no one is left behind”. Studies show our area has some of the highest rates in Ontario for youth struggling with mental health challenges. We also see we have too many seniors who are isolated and living in poverty, without access to nutritional food, health services, transportation. Too many mothers and families are in need of safety and security as they face difficult and, many times, life-threatening situations. And vulnerable kids, who could and should be “all that they can be”, are left behind as teachers continue to be challenged with the complexity of ensuring the health and well being of the students in their care. Affordable housing has been a growing dilemma for the past decade.
UW – 60 years in the community
Since 1958, United Way has worked with the community to improve lives locally, with committed volunteers, dedicated staff, and excellent community partnerships. Through a grassroots approach, we facilitate your donations and support in moving people from poverty to possibility, helping kids of all ages, and creating stronger communities for all. Recently a United Way campaign chair from 8 Wing, Tanya Tebbutt, was frustrated hearing about the classmates of her kids who go to school without breakfast or lunch. This is why she continues to lead the charge at 8-Wing Trenton, United Way’s second largest contributor to the nearly $2-million community campaign.
“Upon moving to Belleville in 2017, I read a report that showed our region was the 6thin Canada for highest rates of urban child poverty at 20.5 per cent,” she said. “Children are complete victims of circumstance and when children live in poverty it unfortunately has a secondary effect on their education. These numbers hit home to me. To hear that my child`s classmates were arriving to school already disadvantaged, to no fault of their own, with no breakfast or lunch made me want to contribute to the success of my community. As soon as I found out that 8-Wing was looking for a new United Way campaign co-chair, I eagerly jumped on board.”
Like Tanya, you can do a lot for your community and we hope you will continue to look out for your neighbours, friends, family, co workers – or strangers in many cases. Because this is what we do; it’s our way – the United Way. We look forward to working with you in this ever-challenging season of community giving. Your commitment to United Way will make this region a better place to raise your family, run your business, enjoy retirement, and improve a life.
Thank you in advance for your continued help and support – spread the word, be the change, and tell us how we can be of service. We are here for you – and it’s YOUR United Way.
written by Kathy Murphy, September 2018 United Way Hastings & Prince Edward Launch of 60th community giving campaign.
About the Author:
Experienced executive specializing in strategy development, entrepreneurship, sales and marketing and business planning. Backgrounders includes leadership within the non profit and charitable sectors among other industries.