United Way HPE:

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United Way HPE:

60 years of improving lives locally

stretch goal revealed at 60th anniversary campaign!

It has been an exciting spring as we move into our 60thcommunity campaign.   We’ve seen board members of many years move on, and new community champions join the ranks of Improving Lives Locally.  At Day of Caring, more than 130 partners came together to help charities in our area ...

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What I’m Learning about Adult Learning

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What I’m Learning about Adult Learning

By Kathy Murphy

Ok, so most of us realize that adult learning is unlike our earlier experiences within the clutches of the traditional secondary classroom. Gone are the days of bra snapping and pubescent boys – and today my quest for life long learning comes at a large investment, both financially and time wise. Unless an effective adult_learning_Englishunderstanding of adult learning techniques ...

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Is Networking a Learned Skill?

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Is Networking a Learned Skill?

I just came back from one of the most exciting and interesting networking events I’ve attended in some time – Progress Magazine’s “Face to Face”.   Business leaders, artists, musicians, creators and, many entrepreneurs, shared some great times, with a bit of learning and development thrown in for good measure.  Food and wine were flowing, and with a name like “face to face” one would expect that the casual, open and friendly environment would lend itself to some great ...

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Organizational Change – is it all too much?

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Organizational Change – is it all too much?

It’s no longer debatable as to whether organizations will go through change in order to stay competitive.  What we do know is that the complexities of change are vast, and when change is not carefully managed, well the results can be devastating.

So…how do you start to understand the impact of change within your organization?  And how do we consider the needs of employees, and ensure a process, and structure is in place to support effective implementation?  And is it “all ...

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